Friday, July 31, 2020

Dark : Is it Worth the Hype?

DARK. The show that's trending all around the world currently and what is said to be the best sci-fi series ever made.. But is it worth the hype?

Comprising of 3 seasons (cycles), this German television series is available worldwide on Netflix.

Set in the fictional town of Winden, the plot begins with the story of a college student whose father commits suicide and the unusual disappearance of the town kids. But as the show proceeds, we learn that all of these events are connected to time travel and thereon awaits for you, a whole bunch of twists and turns that no one could've ever possibly seen coming!

DARK revolves around the themes of time travel, scientific paradoxes, theories and religious references. While you might attempt to solve these mysteries and puzzles, you would only end up finding a drop, while a whole ocean lies ahead within DARK.

What's intriguing about DARK is the plethora of characters and how each one of them plays an equally significant role in the story building. With the absence of even one of these characters, DARK would've never been possible. The commendable storytelling makes it even difficult to predict who is actually the hero and who is the villian. This is what will keep you glued to the screen until the very last episode.

You might end up scratching your heads trying to remember the vast number of characters and how they are linked to one another, but the amazing direction won't leave you confused for too long. 

Not only the storyline but also the top class acting, direction, cinematography as well as the perfect background score is what has drawn the attention of viewers from around the globe towards this show.

DARK has been nominated and has won multiple awards, including the German Television Academy Award for Best Cinematography and best Art Direction. 

The theme of the show is 'The Beginning is the End and The End is the Beginning', but we assure you that once you begin watching DARK, you won't be able to help but binge till the very end.

Tick Tock!
- Rishabh Rohira (Team SYNC Snippets)

Monday, July 27, 2020

Exercising with a Mask : Yes or No?

This quarantine period had a toll on everyone’s physical health. However, as the lockdown eases down and the unlock phases come into play, the urge to get out of our houses for a run or a jog is inevitable.

Exercising, running, jogging or cycling with a face mask on in public places, would be as uncomfortable as accepting the new name “Glow and Lovely” of the former brand “Fair and Lovely”. But the truth is, practising both of them is necessary in order to ensure safety of the citizens’ physical and mental health.

Let us compare the adverse effects as well as the benefits of wearing a mask whilst exercising.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), people should not wear masks while exercising as masks reduce the ability to breathe comfortably.

With less air, your body has less oxygen available to utilize during exercise to convert glucose (sugar) into energy i.e., less oxygen in your working muscles which can make the training more difficult, leading to increased heart rate and a loss of consciousness. Exercising with a mask on can reduce the pace of the athlete while running or cycling. It is usual for a person to be fatigued faster than before with a mask on.

Here are a few precautions to be taken if at all you are moving out for an ephemeral fitness experience :
• People jogging outdoors can run at a slower pace and can wear disposable masks in order to ensure decent flow of air in the lungs, thus not overworking themselves.
• If exercising outdoors, avoid paper or surgical masks as they become rapidly wet when we breathe into them vigorously. Such masks may also lose some of their ability to block germs. Cotton cloth masks likewise dampen easily. Cloth masks made from breathable, synthetic materials should lessen formation of moisture. 
• Choose models that have two layers of fabric or less to avoid facial overheating.

Look out for these symptoms in order to lessen the harm caused by the masks : 
1. Dizziness
2. Dehydration
3. Numbness
4. Shortness of breath

Please don't let these symptoms go unnoticed, like the happiness in little things. If you experience any of these, be smart and stop exercising! Those extra 60 seconds of exercising and ignoring any symptoms might cause irreversible damage. We can win this war, by winning these little battles everyday.

While one does not have to wear a mask while exercising at home, make sure you are not deterred from wearing the mask while working out among other people.

Note : This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.

- Komal Makwana (Team SYNC Snippets)


Friday, July 24, 2020

Welcome to SYNC Snippets

Hello everyone,

Welcome to SYNC Snippets! A brand new initiative by SYNC - The Fitness Club of HR College of Commerce and Economics.

In 2015, SYNC was formed by Anvita Dixit, a Yoga aficionado, who explored her deep passion for the art form back in her school days. She truly believes that Yoga not only transforms lives but also allows people to peer into the depths of their own beings to emerge as self-reliant individuals. 

One can't possibly do everything by themselves, but with a strong support system who always has your back, you can move mountains (or introduce a new club in your college). A friend and fellow Yoga lover, Shreemoyee Mukhopadhyay, played a pivotal role in forming this club along with Anvita.  

While the SYNC as we know it today didn't have the smoothest start, our #BossLady Anvita and her friend, fellow yoga lover and co-founder of the club, Shreemoyee Mukhopadhyay kept all the negativity floating around the "Yoga Club" at bay and she along with her team gave in their all. Finally the club was inaugurated on 10th August, 2015. What just started off as weekly Yoga sessions attended by less than 15 students has now expanded into a wide array of activities such as Zumba sessions, wellness workshops,  contemporary dance sessions and more.

SYNC wouldn't be what it is today without our teacher incharge and constant backbone, Ms. Pooja Lalwani. She is our rock and has guided and supported us in every step of the way. Be it her passion for teaching Economics and mandalas or her undying love for Yoga and wellness, she is without a doubt, an inspiration to all! 

At SYNC, our aim is to include fitness, Zumba, Yoga and excercise into the regular routines of our youngsters. Every year, we organise a fitness extravaganza - Elysium, Mumbai's 1st Fitness and Wellness festival, with events such as Bolly Yoga, Social Jive, Danceout Workout, and more! 

For one to be fit, both the body and the mind have to be at ease while also maintaining a connection with the soul. And that's what we are here to share. This is not just a spot for fitness enthusiasts, but for all of you leisure lovers as well. So of course this blog is for everyone!!

We present to you SYNC Snippets - not just a blog but also an insight into what fitness and fun means to all of us here at SYNC.

Stay tuned for all our tips, tricks, and some valuable information coming your way every Monday and Friday. 

Happy Reading!!

7 Shoulder Exercises for Strength and Stability

It's time to focus on shoulder workout for improving your torso strength and stability. Shoulder strength training can reduce your risk ...