Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday Motivation : Vanshika Khurana

From 97kgs to 57kgs is that kind journey that anyone would be blown away by listening to. Vanshika Khurana from HR College managed to accomplish this task in 2 years. 

Her gym experience has always turned out to be ‘Go to the gym, click selfies, come out and eat!’ It was something she was not proud of, maybe because of the lack of motivation.  

How does one get motivation? To change the world takes time, but to change yourself takes courage! Once said by Vanshika, “I believe motivation can end at a point of time and you may quit. But…"

Also said by Vanshika, “It is when you train and see the results and the rewards that your body gives to you. That's what motivates you”. 

Vanshika suffered from PCOS but she managed to transform her body. To start something like that takes motivation and courage. 

Courage is an important aspect. Without it, one will find reasons to avoid getting fit because if anyone loses courage they lose motivation. To avoid this, try converting your motivation into a hobby. A hobby is the only thing which can give you happiness and the strength to your soul to face any problem. 

Initially, Vanshika did not follow any particular diet. Though it is recommended to cut down on carbohydrates and increase your intake of proteins. What needs to be remembered is avoid starving and eating salads throughout the day. Cravings for fast food will increase, so a small portion is required to keep the motivation within us. Being a vegan, Vanshika faced the problem of including more protein in her diet. 

Some of the dishes which can be included are sprouts, paneer, jowar/bajra rotis, homemade vegetables, etc. to replace the non-vegetarian sources of proteins. There should be cheat days and in order to keep the craving in control, have fast food in moderation. You can also improvise ingredients and cook yourself a healthier version of your favourite fast food. 

Obesity is poison for a person's body. Obesity is a magnet for diseases to build their home and spread lethargy. The person’s energy starts diminishing and so does the motivation to do physical work. When you workout, the body fat reduces and space left for microorganisms decreases. 

All the diseases which were attracted to it die and you become healthy. This requires a great amount of effort. When a person becomes fitter the amount of energy they receive increases and the body attracts fewer diseases.

Firstly, start doing cardio daily. There are a number of variations in cardio - it can be done outdoors as well as indoors. Running or jogging in a garden reduces fat levels to a greater extent than the exercises we do in the gym. After waiting for a few months, start off with strength training in the gym.  

There might be a point where your progress will be stalled, but never give up. If you want to achieve something, you need the courage to face all your problems! If some problems arise, don’t defend it, face your problem! There will be many people to support you, but it is your life and you’re alone. Being alone doesn't mean being lonely, because your friends and family can only support you but cannot face your problem. 

There is no need to follow any workout. Rather make a routine that suits your body. After researching, Vanshika improvised her diet, and slowly and steadily consumed more proteins. For Vanshika it took 2 years. So take your own time and you will see the results. 

- Karan Khetan (Team SYNC Snippets)




Monday, September 21, 2020

Ways to Spend Time Gadget Free

In today’s digital world, many of us are already using our gadgets so much. And now given the coronavirus situation, everyone is both working and spending their casual time on devices - right from working on documents to online classes, and even spending all our free times watching movies and shows.

This is causing a tremendous increase in our screen time leading to strained eyes and aching backs specially in children. Hence, here are a few recommendations on how you can spend your free time without gadgets :

1. Spend some time with your family
Usually people crib about not being able to spend enough time with their family or are exhausted after a long day at work, thus there is lack of bonding among family members. 

Well, the pandemic comes with it's share of advantages as families can spend time together playing board games and helping each other with the household chores. Talking to your parents and siblings is important for your well-being and definitely a great way to be gadget free.

2. Exercise
Our physical fitness is directly linked to our overall well-being. Especially during the lockdown, being physically fit and mentally strong aids our immune system in these tough times. 

We must definitely spend about 30 minutes of our time each day taking care of our body by walking, running, jogging or Zumba and high intensity workouts. You could also exercise with the people in your family; this way you not only get to spend some time with them but you all can stay fit together. 
3. Journaling
Keeping a log of any information - thoughts, food or workout - is a great way to look after yourself. In very recent times, journaling has had a great impact on mental health and is linked to our overall well-being. 

Journaling is a great way to reflect and understand our thoughts, and it's easy to work on them if required too. To journal you don’t need to necessarily write a lot or be good at writing as a whole - it doesn’t even take up too much of your time!

4. Clearing the clutter
Clutter is all the unnecessary items we have filled on our tables, cupboards, drawers, and other spaces at home. A great way to start your day is by removing all these unnecessary items and making sure you make your place neat and tidy. The amount of clutter that surrounds you unknowingly affects your tasks of the day. But by decluttering, you can approach all of these tasks with a positive attitude and a smile on the face. Being neat and tidy is a great way to complete activities and stay away from your devices.

5. Tackle a nagging task
I’m sure there is something that you always keep for doing later and unfortunately that later never comes. There is always enough time to perform that activity but is always pushed for later on in the day. A great way to approach that activity is to do it right away and complete it properly rather than keeping it for some other time.

6. Spend some time meditating or praying Chanting and meditation can help you start your day on a happier note. If you believe in God, start your day with a prayer. Listen to a podcast or a talk based on things that make you feel good. Performing a few breathing exercises can be done too. This is a great way to take care of your mental health.
These are a few things that can be done instead of spending all your free time away from a screen. Most of these practices do not show positive results immediately, they need to be done over a period of time and will gradually will show the results in your well-being. 

-Ushma Shah (Team SYNC Snippets)

Friday, September 18, 2020

Top 3 Podcasts you should listen to/watch

Imagine if you could be a part of a conversation between the World’s Top CEOs, Actors, or Spiritual Gurus without actually meeting them in person. It’d be pretty amazing, right? Now, what if I told you that this is actually possible! And not only is it possible, but is also easily accessible!

How, you ask? The answer is Podcasts.

Before we actually get into how this can be done, here’s a brief history of podcasts and their origins. A phenomenon which began in the 1980s with audio talk programs primarily conducted for educational institutions and later came to be known as audio blogging in the 90s, has today turned into a massive industry in itself. It is said that there are over 1 million podcasts around the world with over 30 million episodes available at our disposal.

Back to your first question of how that would be possible.

If you had aspirations of being an entrepreneur, imagine having access to the world's top most entrepreneurs from whom you can learn (almost) directly. Now the chances of that actually happening are low. But, this is where podcasts come into the picture. Podcasts enable you to have access to influential/knowledgeable people and be a part of the thought provoking and enlightening conversations they have with podcasters! Listening to their conversation makes you feel like you were a part of that conversation as well! As the podcaster picks their guests' brain, you can pick up some essential pieces of advice and information that could help you enhance your skill set too! Isn’t that amazing!

If you don’t already follow any podcasts, now’s the time to start! As a wise woman once said, ‘Crisis is the grandmother of opportunity’. 

Having said all of this, here are my Top 3 podcast recommendations for you!

1. TheRanveerShow

Started by Ranveer Allahbadia aka BeerBiceps (a famous Indian Youtuber), The Ranveer Show is one of the most popular podcasts of today and is also branded as the Smartest Podcast of India. Ranveer brings on an immensely diverse bunch of guests on his show and he covers almost every possible question that could arise in a regular listeners head. Priyanka Chopra, Gaur Gopal Das, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, CEO & President of Schindler India, Mr. Ashok Ramachandran are some of the guests Ranveer has had on the show.

Now, the reason I would recommend you to watch/listen to this podcast is that it truly covers a variety of topics. It is because they bring such experts as guests on the show, that it provides some unique and exquisite insights. Furthermore, it is very consistent in terms of the depth its content provides because not only is it an interview of the person present on the show but also an overview of the things they’ve done in life and what there is to learn from them.

Click here to check out TheRanveerShow

2. Honestly by Tanmay Bhat 

This is a podcast series started by comedian turned gamer Tanmay Bhat on his second Youtube Channel which also happens to be named ‘Honestly by Tanmay Bhat’. He has a variety of podcast series under the wing of this channel. Out of them, I would like to talk about a specific series which is known as Neuroscience Learning. In this series Tanmay invites Dr. Siddharth Warrier, a neurologist, to deconstruct what happens in our body neurologically when facing a certain kind of situation/emotion for example, a heartbreak (which let’s be honest all of us have at some point in our lives). One can learn through this series why we react/respond to certain situations the way we do by understanding what goes on inside our body, which hormones and chemicals get secreted, behavioural patterns, etc. Along with this, the Neuroscience Series is something that is a completely unique concept because it gives you a perspective which you would have otherwise never had on the situations that have occurred in your life. Through gaining such knowledge we can also understand why performing certain activities repeatedly gets addictive. In conclusion, this is a one of its kind series that will not disappoint, and will definitely leave you with some useful insights on the neurology of your body.

Click here to check out Honestly by Tanmay Bhat 


3. The School of Greatness 

This is a podcast started by Lewis Howes, a New-York Times Bestselling Author of the book ‘The School of Greatness’. He is also a lifestyle entrepreneur, high performance business coach and keynote speaker. He started this podcast in 2013, and ever since its launch on iTunes, it has become one of the top ranked Business and Self Development podcasts in the world. This podcast was another ‘first of its kind’, because it brought all kinds of people from different walks of life under one umbrella. In addition to the podcast covering a plethora of topics, it also taught the viewer/listener how they could implement the qualities, mindsets, and lifestyle habits of the guests on the show. The reason I’d recommend you to follow this podcast is that it covers smaller topics and dives deeper into them. This enables you to learn about individual topics in a way that you haven’t before. So, if you ever want to understand a topic more in depth, for example, how to find love or what is the science behind habit formation, chances are that Lewis has already done an episode on it or has spoken about it in one of his episodes.

Click here to check out The School of Greatness 

So, these are the top 3 podcasts that you should definitely listen to in my opinion. If you’re completely new to the world of podcasts then my friend, you’re in for a treat. I am sure that these podcasts will open your eyes to the vastness of this cosmos and widen your worldview, and at the same provide you with detailed information on topics that intrigue you!

- Anvay Dixit (Team SYNC Snippets)

Monday, September 14, 2020

5 Exercises for your Eyes

Our eyes are constantly fixated on a computer monitor during the day and occasionally shifts to the smartphone, followed by shows on television.

This constant strain and stress has given rise to numerous eye problems. So, if you want healthy eyes, follow these simple and easy eye exercises. 

1. The 20-20-20 rule
Digital eye strain can become a problem for people, especially due to the extended screentime in lockdown.

The 20-20-20 rule helps ease digital eye strain. The rule is easy : a person needs to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, while using any digital screen.

2. Focus change
The focus change exercise can also help with digital eye strain. Following are the steps for the same :

Step 1 : Consider two objects, one far away from you and one close to you. 
Step 2 : Hold the closer object in front of your face and focus on it. 
Step 3 : After a few seconds move your gaze to the farther object and then focus on it for a few seconds. 
Step 4 : Then move your gaze to the closer object again and keep repeating the process from 5 to 10 times

3. Eye movements
Just like our bodies, we need to move our eyes to keep them in good health.

To do this, first close your eyes, and then move your pupils in upward and downward, leftward and rightward, and circular movements. The number of times these should be done is upto the person but it's recommended to do each movement around 20 to 25 times.
4. Palming
Rub your hands together for 10 to 15 seconds to warm them. Then place your hands over your eyes, with the fingertips resting on the forehead, the palms over the eyes, and the heels of the hands resting on the cheeks. Hollow the hands slightly and form a curtain of darkness in front of the eyes. Close your eyes. Envision the eyes absorbing the darkness like a sponge. Keep doing this for just a few seconds or up to five minutes, depending on the person. Then gently remove the hands from the face and open the eyes, slowly.
5. Blinking
This exercise can be done by blinking your eyes quickly for 15 to 20 seconds, followed by closing your eyes for 15 to 20 seconds. By doing this around 4 to 5 times, our eyes feel rested and increases the blood flow in this area.
Studies say that doing these eye exercises regularly can improve our vision, and some people can even get rid of their spectacles. 

Do try these exercises for reducing eye strain and headaches!

- Harshita Bulchandani (Team SYNC Snippets)

Monday, September 7, 2020

How to Make the Best of Mandala Art Therapy

“Each person’s life is like a mandala – a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life” - Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

The above quote said by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche defines the true aspect of our lives. Whatever we see, we hear, we think becomes a part of our life. Mandalas can be used as an exercise as well as for meditation. Depression, anger, anxiety, negative emotions all can be healed by Mandala Art Therapy. 

Practicing mandalas can be very self-soothing and focusing. One of the most amazing facts of mandala art therapy is that each mandala provides the creator’s emotional state. It can also help you in boosting your immune system as well as reduce your stress and can give you an experience of calmness and well-being.
It can be a better technique for those people who want to quit smoking and biting nails, they can carry their mandala books with themselves whenever they feel the urge to smoke or bite their nails.

Mandalas as a meditation technique can allow you to express your creativity, emotions, and cope with your illness. Colouring and art is the best way of expressing your emotions and pouring out your imagination. It can help you to draw your soul out. Here nobody can judge you and you can spend more time on creativity and relaxing. It allows your brain to think deeper and this is the reason why it is often used to practice meditation.

One thing this art form allows to absorb, that repetition can be beautiful and hold your eyes. You focus more on the process of drawing a mandala, not on the goal.

Now let’s learn how to create one beautiful mandala and what all things you require to create it.
• You need a sheet of paper, compass, protractor, ruler, Black gel pen (any other color can also be used), pencil, eraser.
• A silent place with the least distraction is recommended where you can sit with yourself and create a mandala. 
• Make sure you have a clear mindset so that you can focus better on designing a creative mandala.
• Let creativity come out of you.
• Firstly, divide a sheet of paper into two equal sections.
• Place your compass in the center of the page and start drawing circles of different sizes.
• Fill all the circles and make them attractive.
• Enjoy this simple activity, and don’t think about how it looks after completing, let your emotions come out from your soul and be experimental.
• Don’t be in a hurry. Give a pretty design to your mandala.

The continuous process of designing the circles in mandala can be beneficial and a meditation technique to people of all ages.
 It can be a healing process as well as focus your attention, and promote mindfulness. There is no right way of creating a mandala, let your intuition guide you and heal your anger and jealousy. Mandala will keep you reminding of kindness and you will remain in its forever debt.

There are numerous websites such as Color Mandala and Just Color where you can easily get mandalas to color online. Here you can get free mandalas to color and the level of difficulty ranges differ from easy to complex. Colouring is the best way to reduce your anxiety not only for kids but it is beneficial for adults also.

Drawing and coloring mandalas can keep you busy for hours and can help you in improving your patience levels.

At Amazon, you can find several mandala books for coloring for all age groups with a good quality of pages.

The colors which you use in designing a mandala signifies a different meaning. Let's look at the table below which defines every color:

Black - Deep Thinking and creativity
Red - Passion, inner-strength
White- Healing, learning
Purple - Spiritual focus, mystery, self-awareness, self-exploration
Blue - Inner peace, meditation, more energy
Green - Nature and caring, love

List of mandala books available on Amazon:
1. Refreshing Mandala - 1 by Dreamland Publications.
2. Mandala books are available at Wonder House at Amazon.
3. Sangam Mandala is available on Amazon
4. Mandala Colouring Book- Amazon Brand.

Let's take a look at the benefits of Mandala Art: 
1. Freedom to express your emotions, words, feelings.
2. Colouring mandala books refreshes your brain.
3. Helps you to discover your ideas and produces inner strength.
4. Help you to free from your worries.
5. Easier to focus attention on the present time.
6. Great source of new ideas and self-exploration.
7. Reduces your aggressiveness and increases your concentration power.
8. Improves focus due to the nature of the intricate patterns.
9. Promotes hand-eye coordination.

Mandalas can be quite easy and an interesting hobby and once you master it, you can start enjoying it. It can also help you in relaxing your body and reduces your anxiety level. A person can easily bring out their creativity and artistic side. Designing mandalas can be seen as difficult but when you continue your practice, you can flow with your creativity and imagination. 
The best thing about this is that it has no age restrictions and after some practice, your speed and rhythm will improve. However, after practice, you can even prepare mandala designs for college events, digital events.

It is one of the most interesting forms of art and during COVID-19 people have made mandalas as their creative hobby. You can start your page on Instagram or Facebook and share your designs on social media and get more paid collaborations. It is a perfect way to creatively express your inner soul using colors as well as your imagination.
Mandalas can be helpful in designing cards, gift boxes, picture frames. No matter what you create, you will surely enjoy the process of designing a mandala.

Everyone needs a hobby to de-stress themselves, and mandala art can be an interesting one among all because it offers various benefits and besides can be used as a meditation technique. This masterful art is used for healing humans. Different people have different hobbies like dancing, listening to music, quilling, singing, calligraphy, and many more. If you do it with all your love, interest, passion, you’ll surely be rewarded.

- Kajal Chhetija (Team SYNC Snippets)

Friday, September 4, 2020

7 Stand-Up Specials to Watch on Netflix

Have you binged watched all the shows and movies you had in mind, and are wondering what to watch next? Well, we've got you covered! And nope, we aren't talking going to recommend a new TV series or film, but instead a bunch of stand-up specials that are a must-watch. 

Here's a list of 7 Netflix specials, one for each day so you won't be bored this entire week.

1. Homecoming King by Hasan Minhaj
In his first ever comedy special, Minhaj talks about his life as an Indian Muslim immigrant in the USA. He talks about his childhood, his secret sister, his heartbreaking senior prom experience, his relationship with his parents and the racism he faced on several occasions. He's made great use of the screen behind him by showing pictures supporting each story he says. This stand-up special was shot in Hasan's hometown - Davis, California.

2. Quarter Life Crisis by Taylor Tomlinson
This is Taylor's first one-hour special which was released in March 2020. In this special she talks about her childhood, online dating, her broken engagement and how one's twenties are not the best years of their life. Her expressions and delivery are on point making it hard to believe that she is just a 25 year old, making her the youngest person on this list!

3. Humanity by Ricky Gervais
From making shows like The Office UK and After Life, one can never go wrong with watching anything with Ricky Gervais in it. Humanity is one of them. Gervais addresses several subjects including the decision to not have children, comedy and offense taking, Caitlyn Jenner, social media and animal rights. 

PS : This special is not for you if you get into a lot of online fights.

4. Yours Sincerely by Kanan Gill 
This is Kanan's second one-hour special and it's safe to say that he has outdone himself. He talks about his teenage years and the theme of the special is around a letter which his 15 year old self had written to his future self. The stand-up special is well thought out and connected, and it can make anyone jealous of Kanan's mind!

5. Baby Cobra by Ali Wong
This special got Ali the popularity she has today.
This is Ali's first comedy special where she talks about motherhood, her thirties and how she doesn't like the side effects of ageing, all while being seven months pregnant. She covers a lot of sensitive topics and her provocative style go well with her jokes. And while you're at it, watch Hard Knock Wife, which seems like a sequel to this special.

6. Douglas by Hannah Gadsby
The special has been named after her dog and its setup is very unconventional. Gadsby starts with telling a 10 minute long flow of the show and goes on to do exactly as she says. She talks about topics like autism, male behaviour throughout history, and anti vaxxers. The Renaissance painting observations at  the end might be the best thing about the show.

7. The Most Interesting Person In The Room by Kenny Sebastian
In his second online special, Kenny talks about a wide range of things like footwear, ostriches, self worth, babies and so on. He also talks about the contrast in his and his father's academic achievements and how he could not live up to his father's expectations. The show ends with Kenny playing the harmonium, which is a call back to a joke he made about his music teacher.

If you haven't burst out laughing recently, do give these a watch. You will not be disappointed!

- Harshita Bulchandani (Team SYNC Snippets)

7 Shoulder Exercises for Strength and Stability

It's time to focus on shoulder workout for improving your torso strength and stability. Shoulder strength training can reduce your risk ...