Monday, September 21, 2020

Ways to Spend Time Gadget Free

In today’s digital world, many of us are already using our gadgets so much. And now given the coronavirus situation, everyone is both working and spending their casual time on devices - right from working on documents to online classes, and even spending all our free times watching movies and shows.

This is causing a tremendous increase in our screen time leading to strained eyes and aching backs specially in children. Hence, here are a few recommendations on how you can spend your free time without gadgets :

1. Spend some time with your family
Usually people crib about not being able to spend enough time with their family or are exhausted after a long day at work, thus there is lack of bonding among family members. 

Well, the pandemic comes with it's share of advantages as families can spend time together playing board games and helping each other with the household chores. Talking to your parents and siblings is important for your well-being and definitely a great way to be gadget free.

2. Exercise
Our physical fitness is directly linked to our overall well-being. Especially during the lockdown, being physically fit and mentally strong aids our immune system in these tough times. 

We must definitely spend about 30 minutes of our time each day taking care of our body by walking, running, jogging or Zumba and high intensity workouts. You could also exercise with the people in your family; this way you not only get to spend some time with them but you all can stay fit together. 
3. Journaling
Keeping a log of any information - thoughts, food or workout - is a great way to look after yourself. In very recent times, journaling has had a great impact on mental health and is linked to our overall well-being. 

Journaling is a great way to reflect and understand our thoughts, and it's easy to work on them if required too. To journal you don’t need to necessarily write a lot or be good at writing as a whole - it doesn’t even take up too much of your time!

4. Clearing the clutter
Clutter is all the unnecessary items we have filled on our tables, cupboards, drawers, and other spaces at home. A great way to start your day is by removing all these unnecessary items and making sure you make your place neat and tidy. The amount of clutter that surrounds you unknowingly affects your tasks of the day. But by decluttering, you can approach all of these tasks with a positive attitude and a smile on the face. Being neat and tidy is a great way to complete activities and stay away from your devices.

5. Tackle a nagging task
I’m sure there is something that you always keep for doing later and unfortunately that later never comes. There is always enough time to perform that activity but is always pushed for later on in the day. A great way to approach that activity is to do it right away and complete it properly rather than keeping it for some other time.

6. Spend some time meditating or praying Chanting and meditation can help you start your day on a happier note. If you believe in God, start your day with a prayer. Listen to a podcast or a talk based on things that make you feel good. Performing a few breathing exercises can be done too. This is a great way to take care of your mental health.
These are a few things that can be done instead of spending all your free time away from a screen. Most of these practices do not show positive results immediately, they need to be done over a period of time and will gradually will show the results in your well-being. 

-Ushma Shah (Team SYNC Snippets)


  1. This article was much needed because everyone’s attached to their phones. Well done Ushma💚

  2. Thanks for this article. Much needed tips


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