Monday, August 2, 2021

The power of manifestation : How it works and why you should try it!

Lately, you must have definitely heard many people out there speaking about the term “Manifestation” and how its power helps people to achieve what they want. Today, in this blog, lets discover what it is and understand how it works.

Manifestation is a conscious choice of thoughts and belief that helps bringing something into existence, bringing something to life. But it isn’t like you manifest everything that you think or visualize. You manifest through Energy. It comes in the form of motivation, opportunities and intuition.

Many people think manifestation doesn’t work because they have tried to manifest a perfect body, perfect life partner, perfect job, perfect lifestyle but when that doesn’t come into existence, they are disappointed and annoyed. Meanwhile, they actually missed the opportunity or ideas that would’ve helped them to find a perfect body, perfect life partner, perfect job or a perfect lifestyle. With manifestation, you can have everything you desire, from love to success, and even money. But you must be willing to work for what manifest!

If you strongly desire for something to happen and if you are constantly working towards it then the universe with the power of its energy helps to align everything for you to make that happen. But this doesn’t mean that you sit at a place and keep on thinking about it because manifestation is very much linked with your thoughts and beliefs. It means that you desire for something and intuitively with all the integrity work for it and have faith in yourself. This also goes along with a saying that “ whatever you put into the universe, it comes back to you.” If you put in happy, positive thoughts you attract happy, positive people and cheerful things around you and vice versa.


Manifestation is closely connected with Law of Attraction but they both aren’t the same. People often confuse the two terms.
Manifestation is to consciously work with the Law of Attraction, with thoughts, emotions, actions & beliefs, which helps you to get what you want. The Law of Attraction is a universal truth that states 'like attract like' so if you aren't working with it consciously it will simply bring your experiences and things that reflect your beliefs and feelings, negative and positive.Manifesting is knowing that your thoughts attract things and harness that power, purposefully. To manifest is to create using your thoughts and beliefs.

Once I attended a webinar and I learnt something more about manifesting and I’d love to share that with you all. While the guest and the host spoke about manifestation, the guest gave a new perspective to it. She mentioned that while you are manifesting something you should focus more on how you’re going to FEEL after you manifest it. The feeling is important. Because when you know what is it going to make you feel, you tend to work more for it automatically and results are always better.

 Eventually, that is what matters; How you Feel after accomplishing something? Is it making you feel good, happy, content or not?

Here's a small story of how I started believing in manifestation and its power. I had always been a naive and shy person and due to lack of confidence I struggled in making new friends. Nevertheless, I always wanted to make new friends and be social and be confident about my self. One fine day I was thinking it through and decided that I will become a person that I admire to be. That thought was so strong that subconsciously each and every day I started working towards it. I felt like everything is aligned for this to happen. I also learnt in the process that apparently, you need to believe in yourself in order to achieve something no matter how small or big it is. Hence, I started believing in myself and I told myself that I can achieve everything and anything that I aspire for. The process of becoming a social person took 1-2 years but later on I realized that I was manifesting to become this person and my belief is so strong; it attracted the exact same thing to me.

The energy was reciprocated.

I'd like to end this by saying that If you manifest for something to happen in your life, it will happen. Anything is possible, if you believe in yourself and consistently work for it!

- Bhargavi Visave (Team SYNC Snippets) 


  1. Thank you so so much firstly for choosing to write on this topic and then sharing your personal experience with us. This one is a beautiful piece💚💚💚

  2. This is very insightful and I relate with this topic as well!! "She believe she could so she did" 💚💚

  3. Amazing Bhargavi and great job🤩😍

  4. Really relatable, well written Bhargavi ����

  5. It's Amazing Bhargavi 🤩😍❤

  6. Really Well written bhargavi❤️✨

  7. Loved the idea of manifestation and your personal life story. Great work on the article Bhargaviiii!!


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