Monday, August 30, 2021

Self Care: The importance of Nutrition and Exercise

The importance of Nutrition and Exercise as a topic has been a part of almost every existing health blog every now and then where you receive tips, tricks and techniques based on this topic but today, we at SYNC club are going to cover this topic from a different angle. As we all know that the food that is consumed by any living organisms is known as Nutrition, whereas the physical or mental activity done with an aim to achieve fitness is known as exercise.

However, not many people are aware about this fact that this physical activity that we now know as exercise has been existing even before humans first termed it. Long before Homosapiens existed, the hunter-gatherer and farming ancestors of human beings performed some exercises too unknowingly. They used to walk 9.5 KM a day to hunt for food which obviously got them fighting hand-to-hand combats with other animals and tribes which resulted in tons of physical activity and huge miles or even kilometers of running that made them burn big number of calories. No doubt all the pictures and depictions based on them show them in great shape.


As the time went by, humans had an evolution amongst their own species and their technology too that they themselves got into existence. The technologies which come into existence consists of various types of machines. One most common machine in today's date is a mobile phone which is used for communication. As a result of this technology coming into existence, humans started exercising their fingers more than doing a normal work out. However, we at SYNC club promote a better use of this technology by hosting live workshops and sessions that help our members learn more about both types of fitness physical and mental.

Apart from all this, Nutrition has been a part of every human being's lifestyle since the very beginning of life on earth. Every living organism requires a balanced diet to survive but however nowadays, with the emergence various Junk Food outlets and the huge amount of hype about them, humans have lost the type of diet that they were supposed to follow for a healthy lifestyle.

 Hence, SYNC club of HR college has held many such events in the past to spread awareness about the right nutritional choice which can help bring back humans to leading a healthy lifestyle.

-Yash Chhabria (Team SYNC Snippets) 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Pause. Breathe. Think : Restart with a Better Mindset

Life as we see it today: A box full of surprises, new challenges, tasks, and so much more. You recharge your phone, refill your gas tank when you’re running on empty and fill your car with petrol when it's low on fuel.  But, do you recharge yourself from all the tiresome activities your mind and body do? Do we even look after our most precious possessions: The mind, body and soul? No. In the process we are forgetting to take charge of something so important and have been neglecting these small aspects, which add up to a big part of our lives.

Whether you are at school, college or work, life can be really busy. When we have so many activities around us, we sometimes forget to take time in order to rest and take the time we need to look after ourselves. But, it’s really important for our mental health that we take time out and relax for a while.

Let’s be honest, guys, everyone is fed-up about daily activities like holding down a full-time job, or always occupied with something. We don’t get time or we don't make time for the things that make us happy, neither do we take a break nor do we relax for a while and this leads to exhaustion in our mind and body. We are humans not machines so we need a break from the everyday events. We don't need weekends or vacations for this break. We honestly need a pause. With all the constant hustle and fast-paced environment around us, our minds can be filled with negative thoughts, emotions and toxic ideas that will worsen each day if we don't address them at the right time.

Taking breaks can improve both your productivity and creativity. Breaks can reduce stress, help to maintain performance throughout the day and break the monotony.  Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone, to experience, to appreciate, and love yourself. It’s in this pause, a break in the momentum, which gives you a moment to breathe. After taking a break, first take a deep breath and then do whatever makes you happy like spending time with family, listening to music, going on walk, playing games, shopping, chatting with a friend etc. Taking a break from your daily schedule is normal and also good for health, so don’t think that taking time for yourself is a waste of time. In fact, it is a better investment of time in something you actually like doing.

Along with this, rethink about your own decisions because sometimes you make a decision that you don't think much of, instantly regret, and later feel bad about. Most others do many activities because their friends and relatives are doing it.  Have you actually wondered whether or not you want to do it? For yourself?

SYNC Club has some brilliant fitness and wellness activities, workshops and webinars that can help you grow. Not only is the club focusing on physical or mental well- being but it is also focusing on shaping up an individual with the kind of events it conducts.

Let's restart and reset our ideas, thoughts, opinions and habits. Yes, it will be difficult to change all this in one day, but we can begin with our day one to reach our goals. This will only happen after we have thought of what we want to do. Let this all take place, but this time for ourselves and no one else. Let's do all the activities that matter to us, make us who we are and in-turn help us to explore, grow and make us a better person. Let's not forget that looking after our health and overall well-being is an everyday process and not a one-time activity.

- Vishakha Laljani (Team SYNC Snippets)

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Feeling of Being Free: Independence Day Special

Independence: It is the feeling of being free from something. Independence is to detach from something you're bound to. Freedom in its true sense can mean so much more than independence.

The kind of lives we live, in a fast-paced world like ours has made us overly dependent on many factors. Which is exactly why we feel bound to something, someone or one particular activity. This doesn't help us bring to light who we really are. Somewhere it's hiding the true face of the individual, his/her values, beliefs and mannerisms.

In order to discuss the words freedom and independence one question ponders over my mind : Do we feel free?

Anything that we do, we must realize that it should always be our own decision. Any activity we perform must make us feel liberated, open and free.

Most of us are still questioning many aspects in our lives. We don't know whether we will make the ideal choices in terms of careers, activities, most of our lifestyle choices and decisions. Due to this, we rightly seek help from individuals, friends, family and elders.

In this process of just taking help from someone, we are often subconsciously allowing them (an external factor) to make our decisions.

This same feeling makes us feel attached, answerable and most often helpless. When we are stuck with some tasks, we feel the need to take advice and blindly follow what others are doing. 

This feeling of dependency may pose a serious problem for us, as individuals we may feel like we don't have a personality of our own and instead of being motivated by others around us we feel jealous, demotivated and just anxious with the successes of others.

All this doesn't mean that when you take help from others- you are wrong. It just means that maybe you should keep the ultimate decision-making power still very much in your own control.

Being able to make our own choices and being on our own will really help us become our true selves, have our own identity and take a stand for ourselves.

Which is why, I ask again - Do we really feel free?

Think and think again. Together let's find ourselves before we dive deep into dependency.

With this thought, wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day from the SYNC family!

 - Ushma Shah ( Head- SYNC Snippets and Vice President- SYNC)

Monday, August 9, 2021

Celebrating Yourself: A happy mind, heart and soul.

Self care is more than taking care of your body, it’s taking care of your mind, your emotions and every part of yourself. Taking time to nurture yourself is critical for your well-being, and it’s hard to take care of others close to you if you do not first care for yourself. Taking care of yourself is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that you have the inner-strength to give your body what it needs to feel nourished, loved and cared for. 

Self care for me is when your mind, heart and soul are happy. In very simple words when someone pampers oneself the heart becomes peaceful and your mind relaxes and when your heart and mind are relaxed the soul automatically begins joyful which leads to a happy lifestyle. Self care is not making your body perfect according to some unrealistic standards it means accepting your body the way it is and taking care of it.

Self-care. It's an important topic that most people don't spend enough time thinking about because they feel like they don't have enough time.

You might be a successful, hard-driving person, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to focus on self-care. Instead, it has been found  that focusing on your needs occasionally is a proven strategy for increasing your productivity.

So here are some the self care tips.

1. Journaling:

Journaling helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by:

•Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns

•Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them

•Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behavior.

When you have a problem and you're stressed, keeping a journal can help you identify what’s causing that stress or anxiety. Once you’ve identified your stressors, you can work on a plan to resolve the problems and reduce your stress.

2. Skin care:

Daily cleansing can take a toll on your skin. To keep it gentle:

•Limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time, and use warm — rather than hot — water.

•Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps and detergents can strip oil from your skin. Instead, choose mild cleansers.

•Pat dry. After washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on your skin.

•Moisturize dry skin. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that fits your skin type. For daily use, consider a moisturizer that contains SPF.

•Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

3. Workout:

Try doing fun exercises like hiking, running, biking, swimming, high intensity interval training (HIIT), dancing, or playing a sport. Choose an activity you enjoy so that you'll look forward to it every week.

Consider these points when you start your workout.

•Your fitness and life goal

•Your current fitness level

•Your schedule

•Workout environment

•Available exercise equipment

•Prior injuries and health problems

•Your preferred sports, physical activities, or exercises

Take some time to think about each of the items above and how they might affect your plan.

4. Working on your hobbies :

We all have some or the other hobbies like dancing, painting, singing and etc. Activities like this keep us occupied and also give us happiness and we all enjoy doing all things like this. Some people are very fortunate to make their passion as their career and others can take out time to work on their hobbies and improve them.

So here are some of the points to help you to improve your hobbies.

•Think on It. 

•Be True to You. 

•Rediscover Recess. 

•Consider Making a To-Do List. 

•Make Your Passion Work for You. 

•Give it Time.

5. Talk to your friends:

Good friends are good for your health. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also:

•Increase your sense of belonging and purpose

•Boost your happiness and reduce your stress

•Improve your self-confidence and self-worth

•Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one

•Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise. 

Only you, yes you yourself, can determine the best self care practices for your life, and as a medium we can provide you some guidance in the process of learning to care for yourself. We hope that these tips can guide you with some self care practices and shift your mindset to understand the importance and magnitude of the power of self-care. 

-Gunjan Kriplani (Team SYNC Snippets)

Monday, August 2, 2021

The power of manifestation : How it works and why you should try it!

Lately, you must have definitely heard many people out there speaking about the term “Manifestation” and how its power helps people to achieve what they want. Today, in this blog, lets discover what it is and understand how it works.

Manifestation is a conscious choice of thoughts and belief that helps bringing something into existence, bringing something to life. But it isn’t like you manifest everything that you think or visualize. You manifest through Energy. It comes in the form of motivation, opportunities and intuition.

Many people think manifestation doesn’t work because they have tried to manifest a perfect body, perfect life partner, perfect job, perfect lifestyle but when that doesn’t come into existence, they are disappointed and annoyed. Meanwhile, they actually missed the opportunity or ideas that would’ve helped them to find a perfect body, perfect life partner, perfect job or a perfect lifestyle. With manifestation, you can have everything you desire, from love to success, and even money. But you must be willing to work for what manifest!

If you strongly desire for something to happen and if you are constantly working towards it then the universe with the power of its energy helps to align everything for you to make that happen. But this doesn’t mean that you sit at a place and keep on thinking about it because manifestation is very much linked with your thoughts and beliefs. It means that you desire for something and intuitively with all the integrity work for it and have faith in yourself. This also goes along with a saying that “ whatever you put into the universe, it comes back to you.” If you put in happy, positive thoughts you attract happy, positive people and cheerful things around you and vice versa.


Manifestation is closely connected with Law of Attraction but they both aren’t the same. People often confuse the two terms.
Manifestation is to consciously work with the Law of Attraction, with thoughts, emotions, actions & beliefs, which helps you to get what you want. The Law of Attraction is a universal truth that states 'like attract like' so if you aren't working with it consciously it will simply bring your experiences and things that reflect your beliefs and feelings, negative and positive.Manifesting is knowing that your thoughts attract things and harness that power, purposefully. To manifest is to create using your thoughts and beliefs.

Once I attended a webinar and I learnt something more about manifesting and I’d love to share that with you all. While the guest and the host spoke about manifestation, the guest gave a new perspective to it. She mentioned that while you are manifesting something you should focus more on how you’re going to FEEL after you manifest it. The feeling is important. Because when you know what is it going to make you feel, you tend to work more for it automatically and results are always better.

 Eventually, that is what matters; How you Feel after accomplishing something? Is it making you feel good, happy, content or not?

Here's a small story of how I started believing in manifestation and its power. I had always been a naive and shy person and due to lack of confidence I struggled in making new friends. Nevertheless, I always wanted to make new friends and be social and be confident about my self. One fine day I was thinking it through and decided that I will become a person that I admire to be. That thought was so strong that subconsciously each and every day I started working towards it. I felt like everything is aligned for this to happen. I also learnt in the process that apparently, you need to believe in yourself in order to achieve something no matter how small or big it is. Hence, I started believing in myself and I told myself that I can achieve everything and anything that I aspire for. The process of becoming a social person took 1-2 years but later on I realized that I was manifesting to become this person and my belief is so strong; it attracted the exact same thing to me.

The energy was reciprocated.

I'd like to end this by saying that If you manifest for something to happen in your life, it will happen. Anything is possible, if you believe in yourself and consistently work for it!

- Bhargavi Visave (Team SYNC Snippets) 

7 Shoulder Exercises for Strength and Stability

It's time to focus on shoulder workout for improving your torso strength and stability. Shoulder strength training can reduce your risk ...