Monday, November 15, 2021

Coping with Exam Stress : A guide

Exam time is around the corner and stress is expected to hang high on the head of every student.

We all know that now the session of exams is coming and when the exams is on the way then student has a stress and fear of getting average marks. So we all now that exams always create a wave of anxiety. All students including me feel the pressure and stress of clearing the exam.

All students face pressure from those external factors rather than writing the exam in itself! External factors are how their parents or teachers feel when their child or students scoring low marks, also many students started getting categorized based on their marks as “good” or “average” or as” failures”.

And because of these labels are given to students, it increases the pressure on any student. Furthermore, expectations from parents and teachers also add on the already existing pressure. No one want low marks or negative label.

Because of these stress and anxiety also can’t or lose concentration on studies. Because of less concentration on studies and this leads to increases the difficulty in grasping concepts while learning, which adds to the anxiety, and this emotional cycle continues. Sometimes they get ill because of taking tension about exam and in this they don’t take care properly.  

Dealing with Exam Stress: Being in stress is not a very good state of mind and one should try to get over it as soon as possible.


As the old saying goes: "comparison is the thief of joy". Don’t compare yourselves with other students because all students are not same. Stop listening to people, they are not helping you. Sometimes may you listen to others and you start following this but in end this will lead you giving more stress. May be sometimes you are doing right and after that you listen to other people like how they are studies and you follow but you feel like you aren't progressing as well as them. Plus, if they themselves are stressed this can rub off on to you and other people’s stress is not what you need right now.


Studies show that taking a break from studying helps improve your productivity, concentration, energy, and creativity, and rejuvenates your brain so you get more out of your study session. Taking breaks from studying every ninety minutes or so can improve both focus and attention. If you force yourself to study all the day, day before the exam then may be this make you fear or dislike studying and examinations even more. Take break of 20 to 30 minutes after studying continuously for 2 to 3 hours.




It can feel like a waste of valuable study time and effort to spend any time or energy on exercise. But Exercise and studying go hand-in-hand. Exercise improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. 20 minutes of exercise before studying can improve concentration and help you focus your learning. Try to do at least some exercise each day, even if it is only taking a brisk walk. Exercise is also help you to refresh your mood and help you to focus on your studies.


Preparing for an exam can be stressful at times when we have a lot to study but restricted period of time. But this idea may be help to you to prepare better, Parents and little brothers and sisters don't have to be annoying around exam time. Use them to your advantage. Explain an answer to a question to them. That will help you to get it clear in your head, and also to highlight any areas where you need more work.


Also in your time table add some me-time because this give you peace and happiness like leave your studies for least 30 minutes and do whatever makes you happy like playing with your little cousins, watching TV, playing any sport this will activate your brain and can reduce your stress levels too. Taking some “me” time and taking a break from studies help you to concentrate on your exam and you also free refresh after the spending some time with you. We hope that these tips help you to reduce your stress and anxiety. Make sure to look after your physical and mental well being. 

SYNC club wishes you best of luck for upcoming exams!

- Vishakha Laljani (Team SYNC Snippets)

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